Monday, September 27, 2010

joey's story

This is a video about my nephew Joey.  Love this kid!


john and amber said...

What a wonderful video. Joey is such a sweet boy. What great parents Whitney and Josh are, and a great family you have! I'm so happy Joey is doing so well now.

tara said...

wow! i had no idea that joey was autistic. i really don't know him that well, but what i've seen of him, he's awesome!! your sister is amazing and this video was really inspirational. thanks for sharing it. go team lyntron! yeah, i went there...

Josh n Betsie said...

That was awesome. JOsh and Whitney are so strong Im so glad they kept pushing and finding a way to bring Joey back. He kind of has a special place in my heart, Its because of him that I have a little boy named Josiah. I met him and whitney at beehive clothing forever ago and since then I decided to name my boy Josiah. :0)

Katie and Randy said...

court- this is a great video. i think it's pretty special that whitney and josh are willing to tell their story about their family. definitely helps to increase awareness of autism. thanks for sharing!