Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mini Makeover Part 1

After we moved into our house we tackled a few mini projects. Here is our first project... painting the master bedroom. It's always a bit scary when picking out paint because you know it always looks completely different on the wall than the little square sample. Luckily, ours turned out great! our opinion. Don't tell us if you hate it. :)

(dark green...blah)


("Feather Gray" from Benjamin Moore Paints)

Stay tuned for more updates!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Update/Lady Vols/Man to Man “D”

I know it’s been a while since our last post, but I have a really good excuse. We are officially in debt and moved into our house!! Yea! This also means we haven’t switched our internet over. So there’s our excuse. We will have it set up next week some time, and by then hopefully the house will be a bit more organized so I can get a couple pictures up. Don’t hold me to that though, the place is a mess!

Until then, while I’m at work, I have a question…

At work, I do the CAD (Computer Aided Design) work, so I’m considered a “CAD Draftsman.” I even have that under my name in my email signature. Yet, some people have mentioned that I should change it to CAD DraftsWOMAN. Do you think I should change it?? I mean, I’m all about equal rights or whatever (I even did reports on Title IX in school), but sometimes I wonder if women change names or titles of things just to make a statement. Like in Legally Blonde when that girl wants to change “Semester” to “Ovester.” Ha! Or why do sports teams need to specify that it’s a Woman’s team, like the Tennessee Lady Vols. It’s not like they say the Tennessee Man Vols. Some things I would just not change. For example, I wouldn’t say, “Hey Coach, what defense are we in?? Woman to woman?” What?!? So I’m undecided on this issue. Am I a CAD Draftsman or a CAD Draftswoman?