Wednesday, October 14, 2009

1 Week to Go

Here is your last chance to get your guesses in. In one week from today we find out if we’re having a little dude or dudette, prince or princess, Mr. or Mrs., male or female, Adam or Eve, he or she… well, you get the picture. So far, I’m pretty undecided. Sometimes I think I know, but then I change my mind. I have a few clues for you to ponder before you make your decision.

1) The first time we heard the heart beat, it was really high (160 bpm), which means it’s a girl (old wives tale). But apparently the first time every baby’s heart beat is really high. So the second time, a month later, it was lower, 140 bpm which means it’s a boy. Who knows??

2) My Sister Whitney was telling me this morning a story about Jane (her daughter, my niece) who is 3yrs old. She was asking Jane about another friend of ours that’s pregnant, and asking if that friend should name the baby Sarah or Emily (those weren’t really the names, I don’t remember the real ones). So Jane sat there and thought for a sec, then blurted out, “Courtney’s baby is named Ariel!” HA! Whitney just started laughing cuz she wasn’t even asking about me. Then Whitney asked Jane, “What if Courtney has a boy, should she name him Prince Eric?” Jane immediately said to her, “Courtney’s baby is not a boy baby, it’s a girl baby!”

3) I had a dream…. It went like this: I was with my family at some house, not sure whose. My cousins and Aunt and Uncle were there (that means you Shannon). All of the sudden someone handed me a baby and said here’s your baby back. I took the baby but was thinking, what?? I don’t even remember going into labor. But I didn’t want people to think I was this horrible mother so I took the baby like there was nothing wrong. Then I was looking at the baby and it was wearing green. Ugh. So I’m thinking, does that mean it’s a boy or a girl. I didn’t want to ask anyone. Again, I didn’t want them to think I was loony, so I decided to change the baby’s diaper. I changed the diaper and bam, it was a boy! Those things are hard to miss. :) But it was so weird. The whole time I couldn’t believe the baby was mine. Then I looked over at Matt and asked him, “Did we name him (a name we’re thinking of. Top secret.)?” And Matt just looked at me and shrugged like I dunno. So crazy. Also, and this is kind of beside the point, I didn’t have anything prepared. No diaper bag, no nursery, and no underclothes that would help with…um… feeding. :) I had to borrow stuff from my cousin Shannon who just had a baby boy.

4) After talking with a few people who have had both boys and girls, they said that their girl pregnancy was a lot easier than their boy pregnancy. That hasn’t been the case with everyone. But some people. So far, my pregnancy has been great. I mean, not that I don’t feel anything, or don’t notice anything, but I haven’t been sick, I haven’t gained much weight yet…it’s just been easier than I thought it would be. So far. :) Not that it’s easy, sometimes it’s a pain, but I’m doing well.

There you have it. I hope you are now able to make an informative decision. I’ll leave you with a couple pics of the progressing belly.

12-13 weeks @ Gap dressing room buying jeans.

15 weeks

17 weeks
Lastly, the doctor called me today and said the Down Syndrome test came back negative (meaning doesn’t have down syndrome). So Matt says, “Look at that. Kid isn’t even born yet and already passing tests. Must take after me.”


tara said...

i think its a boy and by the way, my boy pregnancy totally better than sofi...she made me puke all the time. you remember...anywho, don't judge me, but i totally knew you were in a gap dressing room without having to read the caption. yeah, i've been there a FEW times. clearance section in baby gap rules by the way...and, of course, you look fabulous! that dream was awesome too. that whole take the baby and pretend like you know what's going on sounds completely like me. good luck and let me know asap! i expect a text message from the ultrasound room...well, not really because i don't think you're supposed to have phones in there. you catch my drift.

Josh n Betsie said...

you are awesome. Cute little tiny bump. You look great and you are going to have so much fun

Blecca and R Home said...

k, so I totally voted boy. then I read your post, and I think I would still vote boy. but I guess we shall see! you are looking good girl!! it's all so exciting!

Katie and Randy said...

I think I'm gonna say...girl! my initial instinct said boy but by the end of the post my mind was changed. Not sure why but I'm feeling a girl. I hope things continue to go smoothly!

Boettchers said...

Congratulations!!! We are so excited for you both! When is your due date? We think it's a boy! Let us know.

Rachel said...

you're hilarious! i love the story about your dream i laughed out loud. yeahp. i did. and holy cow, you don't even look pregnant at all. i'm so jealous and can only hope i'm like you when i have kids!
i say girl. even though, many signs point to boy.

Rachel said...

matt's comment is hilarious. i can totally imagine him saying that. and i couldn't agree more. he helped me pass my accounting tests! and ya, i guessed right - a girl. done!